Like the bath, the shower is combined with chromotherapy to offer you made-to-measure wellness breaks. Sky of colors, the shower opens to the rainbow.
Chromotherapy, or color therapy, is not new. It was already mentioned in ancient China and ancient India. Since then, the influence of colors on the bodily energy centers, the chakras, has gained ground. Until entering our bathrooms and joining our shower, which becomes chromatic.
How does the shower become chromatic ?
Quite simply by integrating leds and waterproof light spots. Physically, the led shower head looks like a traditional model. It is when switching on that everything lights up and the water that gushes out lights up.
Light-emitting diodes are activated by current from a turbine. This miniaturized version of a hydraulic power station works under water pressure and generates alternating current. An integrated probe allows the alternation of colors.
A color, a temperature and virtues
The alternation of colors follows the thermal variations of the water. And the designers of led showers respect a universal lighting language. For the washbasin taps, the color changes according to the temperature: blue means that the water is cold, purple means that the water is lukewarm, and finally red means that the water is hot.
Regardless of these color codes / water temperature, each color itself induces effects on our psyche, our emotions and our physique :
• Blue helps concentration and is said to have a beneficial influence on anxiety.
• Yellow stimulates the mind, it fights against mental fatigue and promotes energy.
• Optimism is dressed in orange, a hue associated with cheerfulness.
• In the chromatic circle, red is the most intense, that which, diffused sparingly, has stimulating powers.
• As for green, a symbol of renewal and harmony, it would help evacuate stress and anger.
The advantages of a chromatic shower
The integration of LEDs in the shower ceiling is synonymous with safety, ecology and energy saving.
Safe, because the colors play a visual warning role. Reassuring technology for optimal comfort. Ecological, because the light does not need electricity or batteries to function. Some models of LED heads go even further by equipping themselves with a flow regulator ; water is then used with moderation and ingenuity. Lastly, economical because this system encourages more efficient management of the use of water and domestic energy.